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Welcome to Camp Nine Design UI

My goal with this Ui library is to make it as easy as possible for you and I to make our stakeholders, investors, bosses, team, friends, moms and cats happy.

How this came to be

Over the years I have found myself enchanted by frontend design and development. Sometimes to the point where previous managers have told me to “stop reinventing the wheel and just use a dang ui library already”. Well joke is on them I’m making my own!!!


Make sure to check back regularly for updates. I aim to put everything I possibly can in here, not only for your sake, but as a repository for me so I don’t have to go dig through all my work to find a certain component I created.


Lastly, if:

  1. You are looking for a certain type of component and don’t see it
  2. Something isn’t quite working for you
  3. You straight up need something built.
  4. You want to say thank you (no hate mail plz).

email me at:

Copy, paste-able, and dependency free:

I will try to keep every component as free of dependencies as possible making them work for as many scenarios as possible. Because I hate dependencies and I will continue to reinvent the wheel just so I don’t have to install one myself.

Let’s Go!

So, ready to elevate your React game with Camp Nine Design UI? Let’s create something extraordinary together.