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Default (darkmode only for now)


Simple and secure password authentication, complete with breach detection and recovery options.


PropDatatypePossible Values


  1. Width is hard set to 400px. Edit stylesheet to suit your needs.
  2. You may have to edit the font styling, padding, and margin due to your sites existing stylesheets.


import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import './passwords.css'
const Passwords = ({
title = 'Passwords',
subtitle = 'Simple and secure password authentication, complete with breach detection and recovery options.',
accentColor = '#5DE3FF',
}) => {
const [isHovered, setIsHovered] = useState(false);
const [rotateLock, setRotateLock] = useState(false);
const [startDots, setStartDots] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
setStartDots(isHovered ? true : false)
}, isHovered ? 1000 : 0);
const timer2 = setTimeout(() => {
setRotateLock(isHovered ? true : false)
}, isHovered ? 2100 : 0);
() => clearTimeout(timer);
return () => clearTimeout(timer2);
}, [isHovered]);
return (
style={{ backgroundColor: '#212126' }}
onMouseEnter={() => setIsHovered(true)}
onMouseLeave={() => setIsHovered(false)}
<div class='pass_lock_wrap' style={{ transform: isHovered ? 'translateY(-2rem)' : 'translateY(0rem)' }}>
<div class="pass_lock_bg">
<div class="pass_lock_otr">
<div class="pass_lock">
<div class="pass_lock_inner_detail"></div>
<div class="pass_svg_wrap" style={{ transform: rotateLock ? 'rotate(90deg)' : 'rotate(0deg)' }}>
<svg class="pass_svg" width="8" height="36" viewBox="0 0 8 36" fill="#000" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3 0C1.34315 0 0 1.34315 0 3V19.5858C0 19.851 0.105357 20.1054 0.292893 20.2929L3.29289 23.2929C3.68342 23.6834 3.68342 24.3166 3.29289 24.7071L0.292893 27.7071C0.105357 27.8946 0 28.149 0 28.4142V33C0 34.6569 1.34315 36 3 36H5C6.65685 36 8 34.6569 8 33V16.4142C8 16.149 7.89464 15.8946 7.70711 15.7071L4.70711 12.7071C4.31658 12.3166 4.31658 11.6834 4.70711 11.2929L7.70711 8.29289C7.89464 8.10536 8 7.851 8 7.58579V3C8 1.34315 6.65685 0 5 0H3Z"></path></svg>
<div class="pass_passcode_outer" style={{ transform: isHovered ? 'translateY(1rem)' : 'translateY(0rem)' }}>
<div class="pass_passcode_wrap" style={{ border: isHovered ? `1px solid ${accentColor}` : '', boxShadow: isHovered ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px, rgba(58, 212, 253, 0.1) 0px 0px 6px 3px' : '' }}>
{Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, index) => index).map((icon, i) =>
<div className={`pass_password_dot ${startDots ? 'pass_password_dot_in' : 'pass_password_dot_out'}`} style={{ transitionDelay: startDots ? `${i}00ms` : '0ms', backgroundColor: accentColor }}></div>
<div class="pass_svg_bg_wrap">
<div class="pass_svg_bg_wrap_gradient"></div>
<svg width="317" height="214" viewBox="0 0 317 214" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M21.6502 2.38322L2.30334 22.0051C0.827423 23.502 0 25.5197 0 27.6219L0 214L317 214L317 27.6219C317 25.5197 316.173 23.502 314.697 22.0051L295.35 2.38322C293.846 0.858434 291.794 0 289.653 0L27.3468 0C25.2055 0 23.1536 0.858435 21.6502 2.38322Z" fill="#2B2B30" stroke="white" stroke-opacity="0.04"></path></svg>
<div className="pass_bottom_bg_gradient"></div>
<div className="pass_bottom_caption_wrap" style={{ backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(to top, #212126, transparent)", zIndex: '100' }}>
<p className="pass_bottom_title" style={{ color: '#fff' }}>{title}</p>
<p className="pass_bottom_subtitle" style={{ color: '#9395A1' }}>{subtitle}</p>
export { Passwords };